Welcome to the world of Key Account Management
“KAM, SAM, GAM” – de wereld van accountmanagement houdt wel van een acroniem. Maar zodra je voorbij de voorvoegsels ‘key’,
Welcome to the world of Key Account Management
“KAM, SAM, GAM” – de wereld van accountmanagement houdt wel van een acroniem. Maar zodra je voorbij de voorvoegsels ‘key’,
The transition to virtual selling has become the new standard post-COVID-19, with over 90% of sales professionals now working remotely or in a hybrid model. Evolving AI offers transformative opportunities to enhance remote customer engagement for sales teams.
Explore the seven compelling reasons why prompt engineering is essential for sales professionals and how it can unlock the full business potential.
Have you ever wondered how to leverage ChatGTP to craft a compelling value proposition? Read the insight to find out more.
Dit artikel verkent de huidige en toekomstige toepassingen van AI die expliciet zijn toegesneden op strategische verkopers. Door gebruik te maken van de kracht van kunstmatige intelligentie kunnen verkopers hun workflows stroomlijnen, diepere inzichten krijgen in klantgedrag en datagestuurde beslissingen nemen die hun accounts naar nieuwe hoogten stuwen.
Episode 15 - "Sales Excellence" - what & why?
With companies looking at more sophisticated ways to remain competitive in an ever more challenging market, how do we ensure that our organisation is operating at its peak?
De overstap naar complexe verkoop en VBS
Is het eenvoudig? De wereld van de verkoop is historisch opgedeeld in twee grote gebieden. Er is de ‘traditionele’ eenvoudige
Aflevering 13 -Stijgen de prijzen?
With prices on the rise across a broad range of industries, how can a value based selling approach help to overcome customer reluctance? In the first of 2 podcasts, we speak to industry expert Matthias Huckemann about this most business-critical of issues.
We explore the changing nature of ‘value’
At the top of the list is ‘Customer Value Orientation’ – the idea that companies need to pivot from a product centric approach to one that emphasised providing ‘value’ to the customer.
Customer value can be defined as the difference between the benefits an offer brings to a customer and the costs and risks that that customer bears when they accept it.